It's my first blog post of 2019 and I had initially wanted this post to be all about my 2019 resolutions. However since I was so focused on Christmassy posts during December and didn't get a chance to share my final progress report for my 2018 goals, I thought it'd be nice to dedicate this post to that instead. I'm treating this as a transitional post. This is my final salute to 2018. Bring on the new year!
1. Drink More Water Throughout The Day
I can confidently say that this resolution was a huge success. I've been taking my drink bottle everywhere and you can ask any one of my friends for confirmation on that. It has become one of my handbag essentials. I've also been having to refill it regularly throughout the day which just goes to show how much water I've been consuming.
2. Get my Restricted License
After Uni had finished for the year, my international friend asked if I could drive her car for her while she was back at home for the break. I was very quick to say yes to this! Because I've had her car to myself, I've been able to do a lot more driving. It's hard to believe that this time last year I wasn't even in the position to drive alone. It's amazing what can happen in a year.
3. Commit to my Bullet Journal
This is another resolution I'm quite triumphant about. After a whole year in my Leuchtturm1917, I've filled up about two thirds of the book. At the start of last year, I had very little faith I'd make it to June, let alone December. I'm so stoked that my first year of bullet journalling went so smoothly.
4. Learn How to Cook
I've decided to carry this resolution into 2019. I don't think I've made a proper meal since the mac and cheese I conjured up while flatting for a month. I definitely made progress last year but I still think there's a lot, and I mean A LOT, more work to be done.
5. Time Manage my Blog Posts Better
Ever since I took my small blogging break, I've seen a slight improvement in my posting schedule. Nowadays, I'll usually have the post ready a day in advance which isn't that much of a change but is still better than typing it up an hour before I want it to go live. It's not the outcome I was hoping for but it's satisfactory enough.
6. Be More Active on Social Media
This was probably the resolution that challenged me the most. At the start of last year, I very rarely commented on people's photos or tweets. I've definitely tried to be better at this but am still lacking consistency. On the plus side, I've been dedicating a lot more time to Pinterest and feel like my activity on there has been pretty good as of recently.
Q: How did you go with your 2018 resolutions?
Thanks for reading!

Good luck with all of your goals for 2019! It's great that you've been driving and it cuts so much time! Drinking water is a big plus all around. Only thing is that I hate going to the restroom often. Glad your goals went well overall. Iti s great that you have a schedule for your blog posts. You're rocking things really well! Looking forward to reading about your adventures!
ReplyDeleteNancy ♥ exquisitely.me
Sounds like you've done an awesome job with your goals here! I find bullet journals so impressive to look at, but I always fail with them so quickly. Good luck for 2019!x
ReplyDeleteMegan | https://pixieskiesblog.wordpress.com/
This is great! I'm so happy you achieved so many of your goals in 2018 and I wish you all the best for 2019.
Good luck with your goals! I'm glad that you've started drinking more water. Don't beat yourself up about the social media lark either; it's really difficult and I always struggle with it! xx
Congrats on achieving all of your goals! I was the complete opposite in terms of social media - in 2018 I wanted to do everything that I could to stop being on it haha.
ReplyDeleteLizzie // Hello Lizzie Bee
It seems like you did pretty well with most of your resolutions so well done! This year I'm trying to become more organised with blogging and do jobs that are essential but boring more often such as scheduling tweets etc! Good luck with your 2019 goals
ReplyDeleteJess // foundationsandfairytales.wordpress.com
I love you've done what you set out to achieve. All the best for 2019 it sounds like your super organised for a great start
ReplyDeleteThese are some amazing resolutions! I am trying to time my blog better and using my jornal too. I definatly need to sceduele more thats for sure. Good luck with you 2019 goals
ReplyDeleteMel 🌙 | Moonlight Mel
A positive amount of progress made through the year there! Mine didn't go so great so this yeat I am just setting myself little tasks!
ReplyDeleteLola Mia x
For a second there I thought you were going to be reflecting on 2019 already 😂🙈. It sounds like you did really well with your 2018 goals! I didn't really set myself goals for 2018 so I can't look back x
Congrats on sticking to so many of your goals from last year! Drinking more water is such a great one too x
Yaay, I'm soo glad you stuck with your goals well. Sounds like 2018 was a good year for you, a real positive amount of progress was made through the year.
ReplyDeleteGemma | https://anoceanglimmer.wordpress.com/
Sounds like you had a pretty good year accomplishing goals and that's great. It's wonderful that 2018 had such a wonderful impact on you. Great job!
ReplyDeleteIts great to read about your 2018 resolutions, seems like most people drop out before the end of the year. Have you got any tips for lasting the year? Wishing you all the best for 2019 =)
ReplyDeleteTake care,
Hayley x
Yes to drinking more water!! I was doing really well at the beginning of 2018, and then got off track, so I want to better about this in 2019. I have a water bottle I fill up at work, my goal is to drink one and a half water bottles each day. I'm switching desks in a few weeks, and I'll be closer to the water cooler, so that will help, I hope!
ReplyDeleteWow, you're so much better at sticking to resolutions than I am! Keep up the amazing work!
ReplyDeleteMegan | https://meganelizabethlifestyle.com/
Hi Annie! Sorry I haven't commented in so long~ I hardly ever check my blogger reading list. Just happened to be on pinterest and clicked on your blog to finally leave a message ahh1!
ReplyDeleteAnyways, these all sound like great things to do this year. I'm sure you can accomplish most of them! <3 Thanks for sharing with us hehe
— Kiki | soyvirgo.com
P.S hope u had a great 2018!