Three weeks ago, I started my second year at Uni.
It was inevitable this year was going to be harder than the first, I just didn’t realise how early on it would hit me. Since Uni started, my course work and assignments are all that I can think about. During the break, I didn’t have a lot to do work-wise. I definitely owe it to this blog for giving my creative side something to do during that time. I actually enjoy studying so having my blog was a great way to practice self-discipline outside of the classroom. Meeting the Friday deadline each week was my way of keeping my inner-student happy.
Last year, I had quite a good system for getting my blog posts and Uni assignments done on time. Because of this, I imagined this year to be a piece of cake.
Sadly, I can’t say it has been all that easy.
Yes, I still managed to get a post up last week and the week before, but I can’t say I was overly pleased with how they turned out. They definitely felt very slap-dash to me. To be honest, even this post feels a bit messy and all over the place. Probably because I’m multitasking between writing this and working on my typography posters in InDesign.
I know I’m not the only blogger out there who has to manage their blog alongside other commitments. It’s like both things are battling for my attention and when I dedicate too much time to one, I feel guilty for not tending to the other. It’s all about finding that happy medium.
I guess this post is another way for me to let you guys know that my content might be a little rough these next few weeks. Just until I get a handle on this whole balancing act thing. I really want to keep putting content out so I don’t think a break is necessary at this time. I think after 6 months away from Uni, I’m still learning to adjust to my new weekly schedule. There's no doubt that the more I work at it, the easier it'll get.
Q: What tips do you have for balancing blogging with other things?
Thanks for reading!

Don't worry about prioritising uni over blogging. It's much more important! My advice is to block time for each. I found doing one blog post a week meant I could block a single day to focus on my blog and spend the rest of my time focusing on uni. I then did blog admin whilst travelling to and from uni, or at night when I was relaxing. Hope that helps!
The Crown Wings | UK Travel & Lifestyle Blog
Oh wow! I can't believe how fast time flies with you being in uni. Things can get crazy - I remember having a hard time juggling between school, work, and my blog. Keep it up with the balancing :)! I always recommend having a schedule. I used to multitask where I would use any break time to come up with blogging content. That was my way of a stress relief. Oh, and don't treat your blog like a chore - treat it as a hobby :).
ReplyDeleteNancy ♥ exquisitely.me
Balancing blogging and uni isn't the easiest thing to do, but if you can't post on your blog one day then don't feel pressured to! If you have the time then planning/scheduling your posts in advance may be helpful x
ReplyDeleteAshleigh | https://ashleighwrites.co.uk
I know your struggles hun, bless yah you’re doing great! X
ReplyDeleteDon't worry my dear. Your Uni is more important right now. Wishing you all the best for all your assignments and study work. You can always squeeze in a post here and there. But don't stress about it. Your blog is your baby and it will always be there.:-)
ReplyDeleteVia | http://glossnglitters.com
I find blogging really difficult along full time work and I find that dedicating time every evening or weekend really helps me balance my blog with other responsibilities x
ReplyDeleteMelanie || melaniewithanie
I'm currently in my third and final year of university so I completely relate to this. I definitely struggled last year with the step up from first to second year but at the end of the day uni is more important. If you need to take a break then I'm sure your readers would understand! x
I couldn't relate to this post more.. I work part time, am at uni and have the blog so I'm always feeling like I'm juggling. I find that scheduling posts in advance when I do have the time makes life a lot easier!
ReplyDeleteSoph - https://sophhearts.com x
I hear you :)
ReplyDeleteSince I'm not in school anymore, I can understand how hard it can be to balance more than 2 things. You got yourself you have to care for, school, work, and blogging!! ahh it would be too much for me.
But! i remember when I was studying one thing I would do to calm down and balance everything was to imagine myself and visualize myself being successful at balancing everything. I didn't stress about it I just tried to envision myself loving school and studying while tackling other things in my life too. Hope that helps!
Kiki | soyvirgo.com
Don't stress too much about getting posts up while you're still figuring out your schedule! I'm sure everything will settle into place when you get more comfortable with your new workload! Your blog will be waiting for you when you're ready x
I feel like this was the post I tried to comment on and it failed last week (maybe?), so I'm back for round 2 to see if it works this time 😂 I've been in the same boat since I started my blog, and over time I've found that I end up stressing too much about putting out a blog post, and putting myself down for not doing it. In turn, that affected my uni work! Once I decided that that outlook was so unhealthy, and that my readers will be there when I post, no matter how frequently, I'm in a much better place with uni work and my blog! Remember, the people who love your blog will always be there when you do post. Focus on what's important right now, as it can't be changed in the future. However, you have forever to work on and improve your blog ❤️
ReplyDeleteBeka | www.bekadaisies.com